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研究方向及学术成就:纳米能源材料的设计与制备及其在新型电池方向的应用,包括锂、钠、钾电池、水系锌离子电池等。致力于通过电极材料结构设计与调控,探索储能机理,精准研究材料与性能构效关系,优化材料电化学性能。在Adv. Mater.Adv. Funct. Mater.ACS Appl. Mater. InterfacesJ. Alloys Compd.等国际期刊发表多篇SCI论文,其中2篇入选ESI“高引用论文”。主持中央高校基本科研业务费一项(结题)、北京科技大学顺德研究生院博士后基金一项(结题)、山东省博士后创新项目专项资金资助三等奖(已结题)、东营市科学发展基金一项(在研)。


1Jing Bai#, Baojuan Xi#, Hongzhi Mao, Yue Lin, Xiaojian Ma, Jinkui Feng, Shenglin Xiong*, One-Step Construction of N,P-codoped porous carbon sheets/CoP hybrids with enhanced lithium and potassium storage. Adv. Mater. 2018, 30, 1802310.(ESI高被引)

2Jing Bai,Yechen Wang, YangeWang, Tiantian Zhang, Gang Dong, Dongsheng Geng, *Self-reconstruction induced c-CoSe2coupled with Co(OH)2 from Co0.85Se for efficient HERElectrocatalysisin alkaline media, International journal of energy research2022;19.

3Jing Bai, Yechen Wang, Yange Wang, Tiantian Zhang, Gang Dong, Dongsheng Geng,* Dongjie Zhao*,Temperature-induced structure transformation from Co0.85Se to orthorhombic phase CoSe2realizing enhanced hydrogen evolution catalysis, ACS Omega 2022, 7, 1590115908.

4Jing Bai, Baojuan Xi*,Zhenyu Feng, Junhao Zhang, Jinkui Feng, and Shenglin Xiong*, General strategy for integrated SnO2/metal oxides as biactive lithium-ion battery anodes with Ultralong Cycling Life, ACS Omega 2017, 2, 64156423.

5Jing Bai, Kaiqi Wang, Jinkui Feng, Shenglin Xiong*, ZnO/CoO and ZnCo2O4hierarchicalbipyramid nanoframes: morphology control, formation mechanism, and their lithium storage properties. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7, 2284822857.

6Jing Bai, Xiaogang Li, Guangzeng Liu, Yitai Qian, Shenglin Xiong*, Unusal formation of ZnCo2O43D hierarchical twin-microspheres as a high-rate and ultralong-life lithium-ion battery anode materials. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2014, 24, 30123020. ( ESI高被引,Highlighted as Frontispiece)

7Yange Wang, Yechen Wang,Jing Bai*, Sibin Duan, Rongming Wang*,Woon-MingLau*, In-situ etching synthesis of 3D self-supported serrated Ni-WO3for oxygen evolution reaction,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 893 (2021) 162134.

8Yange Wang, Yechen Wang,Jing Bai*, Sibin Duan*, Rongming Wang, Woon-Ming LauTA-Fe layer coordinates the electronic structure of Ni-WOx to enhance oxygen evolution performanceJournal of Alloys and Compounds2022, 928, 167225.

9Yechen Wang, Yange Wang,Jing Bai,* Woon-Ming Lau*Trace amount of NiP2 cooperative CoMoP nanosheets inducing efficient hydrogen evolution, ACS Omega, 2021, 6(48), 33057-33066.

10 Tiantian Zhang,Jiaye Chen,Jing Bai*,Dongsheng Geng*Coral-Like Ni2P-Ni5P4Polymorphs as Noble Metal-Free Catalystsfor Efcient Water SplittingECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2021, 10085004.

11 Yechen Wang, Yange Wang,Jing Bai*, Woon-Ming Lau*, Efficient Self-Supported Bifunctional NiMo Alloy Electrocatalysts for Water Splitting in Alkaline Environment, ChemistrySelect, 2022,7(17): e202200468.

上一条:于长江 下一条:张乾亮


版权所有:山东石油化工学院化学工程学院 鲁ICP备2022011533号-1